Submit your Event
Do you want to promote your event or venue in Guildford? We provide a free event listing service. Complete the form below to submit your event and we'll list it on our Events Calendar plus promote it via our Facebook page!
Note: Keep it local to Guildford area.
Please supply as much details as possible.
Tips for submitting your event:
✔ The title should be as descriptive and catchy as possible;
✔ Please do not use special characters (such as -, +, 🙂 ) in the event title, it will prevent your submission from being accepted;
✔ Provide an image to accompany your event. Choose a .jpg, .png, or .gif file under 2 MB in size;
✔ Provide as much information as possible for your event description. Include 400 - 700 words to help improve search engine rankings;
✔ To be listed accurate on Google map, provide us with the full address of the event venue: city/town, street, postcode area;
Tips for publishing your event:
✔ Submit your event as soon as possible. The sooner you can submit it, sooner it can be listed on the website and more people can see it;
✔ Allow 2 business days for event review. Fields including an * are required;
✔ We can not guarantee to list events that reach us at short notice;
✔ Your submitted event will be reviewed by our team for suitableness before is approved and published;
✔ It is advised to not use ALL BLOCK CAPITALS - It is more difficult to read a text in All Caps and can be ove
Your Contact Details
Please include your contact information in the form so we may contact you in case we need clarification or additional information. Your contact details will not be published on the website and will not be shared and used for any other marketing purposes .
If your event is just general business news, we’d still love to feature it. Use this form.
Please note: Your event will not be automatically added to the calendar once you click “Submit Event” at the bottom of the form. It will first go through an approval process to ensure it contains all the information needed to be added.